This media and rate converter line card features a 10/100TX twisted pair port and a 100FX optical port. The twisted pair has an RJ-45 connector and a maximum operating distance of 100 meters (328...
Package dimensions
Depth (package,cm)
17.5 cm
Gross Weight (Package, kg)
0.31 kg
Height (package,cm)
3.9 cm
Width (package,cm)
12.8 cm
Product dimensions
Net Weight...
Package dimensions
Depth (package,cm)
17.5 cm
Gross Weight (Package, kg)
0.2 kg
Height (package,cm)
3.9 cm
Width (package,cm)
12.8 cm
Product dimensions
Net Weight (Product,...
Package dimensions
Depth (package,cm)
17.5 cm
Gross Weight (Package, kg)
0.3162 kg
Height (package,cm)
3.9 cm
Width (package,cm)
12.8 cm
Product dimensions
Net Weight...