Mini Desk Type
10 digits
Tax calculation
Automatic calculation of price plus tax, price less tax, discount, selling price, tax amount, discount amount, and margin amount.
Time calculation
Mini Desk Type
10 digits
Tax calculation
Automatic calculation of price plus tax, price less tax, discount, selling price, tax amount, discount amount, and margin amount.
Time calculation
Casio MS-120EM 12 Digit Desktop Calculator Silver MS-120EM Large buttons and an easy-to-read display: these professionally designed calculators ensure correct results in the office. These models...
Casio MS-100EM 10 Digit Desktop Calculator Silver MS-100EM Large buttons and an easy-to-read display: these professionally designed calculators ensure correct results in the office. These models...
Casio MS-80E 8 Digit Desktop Calculator Silver MS-80E Large buttons and an easy-to-read display: these professionally designed calculators ensure correct results in the office. These models stand...
Easy calculations of cost, selling price and margin
Optimum usability and design features for business users
Extra large display with easy-to read numbers
Outstanding visibility supports...