Package dimensions
Gross Weight (Package, kg)
0.5 kg
Product dimensions
Net Weight (Product, kg)
0.45 kg
Vendor information
Brand Name
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Information technology professionals rely on HP quality to ensure maximum productivity. As the power of applications, processors, memory adapters and storage devices increases, high-end computer...
Package dimensions
Depth (package,cm)
23.5 cm
Gross Weight (Package, kg)
0.5 kg
Height (package,cm)
4 cm
Width (package,cm)
22 cm
Product dimensions
Net Weight (Product,...
Package dimensions
Depth (package,cm)
25 cm
Gross Weight (Package, kg)
0.9 kg
Height (package,cm)
17.3 cm
Width (package,cm)
20.5 cm
Product dimensions
Net Weight (Product,...
Package dimensions
Depth (package,cm)
37 cm
Gross Weight (Package, kg)
0.74 kg
Height (package,cm)
11.9 cm
Width (package,cm)
22.6 cm
Product dimensions
Net Weight (Product,...