Katun Color and Monochrome Laser Printer Cartridges Provide Outstanding Performance and Image Quality
Katun�s complete line of high-quality new-build and remanufactured laser printer cartridges now...
Package dimensions
Depth (package,cm)
15.5 cm
Gross Weight (Package, kg)
0.5 kg
Height (package,cm)
7 cm
Width (package,cm)
13 cm
Product dimensions
Net Weight (Product,...
Package dimensions
Depth (package,cm)
15.5 cm
Gross Weight (Package, kg)
0.5 kg
Height (package,cm)
7 cm
Width (package,cm)
13 cm
Product dimensions
Net Weight (Product,...
Package dimensions
Depth (package,cm)
15.5 cm
Gross Weight (Package, kg)
0.5 kg
Height (package,cm)
7 cm
Width (package,cm)
13 cm
Product dimensions
Net Weight (Product,...